Queen Guinevere and her ladies in waiting


It is thought that Guinevere's welsh name "Gwenhwyfar" probably means "white spirit". Arthur was betrothed to her after helping her father King Leodegraunce of Scotland in his wars against the Irish. Guinevere was in Love with Sir Lancelot and ended up having an affair with him which Arthur found out about. Arthur realized that even though she was in love with Lancelot she had been true, generous and a faithful consort to him, he was never lessened by her love for Lancelot. However, Guinevere was sentenced to be burnt to death but was saved by the gallant Lancelot who then fled to Brittany. Guinevere was a truly beautiful woman, King Arthur's nephew Modred seized Camelot whilst Arthur was away in Brittany and forced Guinevere to marry him. Modred and Arthur had a huge confrontation at the battle of Camlan in which Modred was killed and Arthur mortally wounded. Guinevere became a nun after this and spent the rest of her life at Amesbury, where she later died. It is believed by some that her body was buried at Glastonbury, not far from Arthur's tomb.

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